Terms of Service

  1. Notification and Acceptance of the Terms of Service
  2. Service Introduction
  3. Service Modification or Termination
  4. Modification of The Terms of Service
  5. Security of User Account and Password Maintenance
  6. User Management
  7. The Termination of Service
  8. Guarantee Disclaimer
  9. Limited Liabilities
  10. Information Storage and Restrictions
  11. Protection of Interests
  12. Notices
  13. Content Ownership

1. Notification and Acceptance of the Terms of Service
Ownership and operation of SpreeNow registered user service network is wholly owned by "Spree Group Corporation (HK) Limited". Services provided must be strictly in accordance with its articles of association published, terms of service and operating rules. When a user completes the registration process and click the "Register" button, it means that the user has reached an agreement with SpreeNow and accept all of its Terms of Service.

2. Service Introduction
SpreeNow provides international purchasing service and relevant information to users all over the world. User must provide detailed, accurate, truthful, legally valid personal information, and timely submission of personal information when it changes.
SpreeNow will not disclose any user personal information provided during registration, unless:
a) User grants permission to SpreeNow to disclose.
b) Disclosure is legally required by law, law enforcement agency or authorized government agencies.
c) To defend and protect SpreeNow's reputation and its intellitual properties, including but not limited to, trademarks, copyrighted materials and website content.
d) When user commits illegal activities or fraud with his/her SpreeNow account.
If the user information provided is inaccurate, untrue, illegitimate or ineffective, the Company has the right to unilaterally suspend, interrupt or terminate the rights of service provided by SpreeNow to the user.
Registered users enjoying SpreeNow services, agreed to accept any information SpreeNow provides to its registered users.

3. Service Modification or Termination
SpreeNow has the right to modify or discontinue SpreeNow services without prior notification to the user. SpreeNow has the right to modify or terminate SpreeNow services at any time with no responsibility or liability for the user or any third party.

4. Modification of The Terms of Service
SpreeNow has the right to modify the terms of service without prior notification to the user. If SpreeNow modifies the terms of service, we will notify the users of the changes. Users will then have the choice to agree to continue using the service with the acceptance of all the terms of service including the modification or to terminate the service immediately.

5. Security of User Account and Password Maintenance
Once registered as a user, you will receive an username and a password. You will be liable for all acts based on your username and password. It is your responsibility to keep the username and password safe. Do not disclose your login information to any third party, otherwise you will bear all the legal consequences arising therefrom. If you find that your password may have been compromised, change it in a timely manner. You can always change your password and profile information, you can also end the old account to reopen a new account. If you find any illegal use of user accounts or security vulnerabilities, please notify SpreeNow immediately.

6. User Management
Individual users must assume the responsibility for their own published content. Users must comply with all local laws applicable to web services, national laws and international regulations.
a) Must comply with China and Hong Kong laws and regulations when publishing content through SpreeNow.
b) Users must not use SpreeNow services for illegal activities.
c) User must not temper or interfere with SpreeNow services.
d) User must comply with all network services protocols, regulations and procedures.
User's actions must be based on guidelines, regulations, policies and procedures relating to the Internet. Users must not to transmit any unlawful, harassing, libelous, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene and any other unlawful information with SpreeNow services. In addition, users cannot commit acts that constitute as crimimal activities. Activities that compromise the national security of China are deemed as crimes. User must not transmit any information that does not comply with local laws and regulations, national laws and international laws. User are prohibited to gain unauthorized access to other computer systems illegally through SpreeNow's network. If the user's behavior does not meet the our terms of service, SpreeNow will exercise independent judgment and cancel the user's account immediately without prior warning and the user's personal information will be disclosed to law enforcement agencies to assist with investigation.
Users will bear all legal responsibilities for their own behavior in SpreeNow. If users distribute or disseminate reactionary, pornographic or other information in violation of the laws, SpreeNow may provide any information recorded on its website to be used as evidence against such users.

7. The Termination of Service
User or SpreeNow can terminate SpreeNow services provided to the user by terminating the user's account. SpreeNow without any reason or explanation to the user, can, at any time, interrupt or terminate the services provided to the user. If you object to any terms of service or any modification to the terms of service at a later date, or dissatisfied with the service, the user may exercise the right of recourse by:
a) Terminate as a SpreeNow registered user.
b) Terminate the use of SpreeNow services eligible to registered users.
c) Notify SpreeNow to terminate the user account.
After the termination of SpreeNow service, user will immediately be stripped off all privileges enjoyed as a registered user. At the same time, SpreeNow no longer bear any responsibility or liability for the user.

8.  Guarantee Disclaimer
Users expressly agree that use of the SpreeNow services is the user's personal risk. SpreeNow expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether explicit or implied. The timeliness of service, security and accuracies are not guaranteed. SpreeNow does not guarantee that any information is accurate or timely, or that any information is successfully sent. Users understand and accept that any information material or services obtained through SpreeNow is user's own responsibilities and SpreeNow do not provide any guarantee in regard to such information or services.

9. Limited Liabilities
SpreeNow is not responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, expected or unexpected damage arising from the improper use of user membership services, or any illegal use of user membership services. We do not provide service, guarantee or have the expertise for the following:

  • Detecting minor style variations.
  • Product warranty or after-sales service.
  • Product quality guarantee.
  • Being free of defects in second-hand products, handmade, custom made or low-cost products.
  • Ensuring a perfect fit for the intended person.
  • Providing exchange or cancellation for custom made or pre-order products.
  • Providing exchange or cancellation of second hand products.
  • Ordering custom made or pre-order products without full payment.
  • Any product to be 100% free of defects.
  • Accuracy of product specifications listed on product description
  • Making any subjective (unquantifiable) judgements.
  • Handling low-price and time-consuming products.
  • Counting a large quantity of tiny products (beads, strings, paper, etc.).
  • Identifying replica or original products.
  • Ordering replica products.
  • Conducting product testing (e.g. electronic components).
  • Removing content from sealed containers (e.g. perfume).
  • Ensuring product safety.
  • Guaranteeing pre-order items will be received (exceeded 7 days protection on Taobao platform).
  • Guaranteeing delivery time.
  • Guaranteeing package return's safety.
  • Guaranteeing package will pass through foreign customs.
  • Guaranteeing fragile products will not be damaged during shipping.
  • Providing long term storage for more than 6 months.
  • Providing long term storage for packages with unpaid shipping fee for more than a year.

Important: Users unwilling to accept these terms must not place order.


10. Information Storage and Restrictions
SpreeNow is not responsible for the storage or deletion of any published content by the users. SpreeNow does not enforce any information upload limit but has the right to determine whether the user's behavior meets SpreeNow registered user requirements and the spirit of the Terms of Service. If the user violates the Terms of Service, SpreeNow has the right to terminate the user's account without prior notice and liability for the user or any third party. All content of this website belongs to SpreeNow and anyone that wishes to republish the site's content, must obtain SpreeNow's explicit authorization or face legal consequences.

11. Protection of Interests
Users must agree to protect and safeguard the interests of all users of SpreeNow. User is responsible for the attorney's fees incurred as a result of violation of the Terms of Service by the user. User is responsible for the losses incurred with the user's registered account, regardless whether or not the registered user himself/herself uses the account or anyone else using his/her account with or without the user's explicit consent.

12. Notices
All notices can be sent to users via e-mail or regular mail. SpreeNow will announce modifications to the Terms of Service or any other important announcement or promotion by such mail services.

13. Content Ownership
All SpreeNow's website content, including users published content, including but not limited to, texts, emails, softwares, sounds, photographs, videos or graphics, belongs to SpreeNow. Users are not unauthorized to copy, republish or create related derivative products from such content.